How much it cost to charge electric car at home?
How much it cost to charge electric car at home?

How much it cost to charge electric car at home?


How much it cost to charge electric car at home? 

Not much, which is why many EV owners charge their EVs at home or at work. To calculate the charging cost, there are 2 factors to be kept in mind: Kilowatt-Hours (kWh) of the battery and the price per unit of electricity.

The price of electricity at home is charged depending on the number of units consumed each month. You can find the number of units consumed and the cost per unit in your electricity bill; so do the calculations based on the rates that you are paying.

Here’s How much it cost to charge electric car at home? & how to calculate the cost of charging an EV from home: kWh of the battery x cost per unit of electricity consumed

Let’s take the example of Hyundai Kona, which has a 39.2 kWh battery pack. Considering Rs. 10/- per unit of electricity, the cost of charging this electric vehicle up to 80% from home will be approximately Rs. 310/-.

It’s good to note that the number of units consumed to charge the car fully
equals the kWh of the battery.

Let’s go deep in How much it cost to charge electric car at home?

Let’s take another example, the Tata Nexon EV, takes about 30.2 units to charge the car fully because of a 30.2 kWh battery. So, at Rs. 10/- per unit of electricity and 30.2 units of electricity consumed, the Tata Nexon EV should cost about Rs. 300/- to charge fully. These are indicative prices and should be considered as estimates.

Charging an EV from home is pocket change compared to prices of petrol or diesel. Considering EVs could cover your weekly commute to work and back on a single charge, we’d recommend you make the switch soon!

We hope we’ve cleared this Concern How much it cost to charge electric car at home? 

Now look at – Battery life of an Electric Car