ICE Vs EV comparison
ICE Vs EV comparison

ICE Vs EV comparison


Let’s have a look at ICE Vs EV comparison

Are you considering buying your first electric vehicle or reading this out of personal interest? Whatever your motivation, you’re here to know about the performance of EVs as against internal combustion engine (ICE) driven cars; and we’ve got you covered.

ICEs may be loud, but don’t let the revving sound of an engine fool you. If you thought EVs aren’t fast like ICE cars, you haven’t heard of Mahindra-owned Automobili Pininfarina, whose hypercar Battista, is faster than the current Formula 1 car with a top speed of 217 mph.

But then, that’s a hyper GT we’re talking about. Let’s look at cars that are more for the average customer like you and me.

Let’s talk about ICE Vs EV comparison

ICE powered cars may be faster and while speed is something people often talk about; torque is what speaks of a vehicle’s performance.

In an ICE, torque is produced by burning fuel causing combustion, which then moves parts of the crankshaft to power the car forward. Often, to speed up this process, drivers tend to rev up the engine.

In fact, in EVs, instant torque is a thing. The power generated from the battery goes straight to the motor delivering better torque and swifter acceleration. The Tata Nexon EV for example gives a torque of 245 Nm and can go from 0 to 100 kmph in 9.9 seconds (0-60 kmph in 4.8 seconds). In comparison, the petrol version of the Tata Nexon takes 11.64 seconds and the diesel clocks 13.25 seconds to go from 0 – 100 kmph. This quick response in acceleration of the EV makes it unique compared to its ICE counterparts.

While the MG ZS EV gives a torque of 353 Nm and can go from 0 to 100 kmph in 8.5 seconds. What’s impressive is the increase in peak torque EVs generate when in Sports Mode; like the Tata Nexon EV which delivers a 60% increase in peak torque in Sports Mode.

Talk about the thrilling driving experience in sports mode. Touch the accelerator and you feel the power instantly pushing you back into the seat. It’s quite an exhilarating experience. It’s pretty much instant torque on demand.

ICE Vs EV comparison

At present, ICEs may be more powerful and consequently go faster than EVs. But, EVs have more torque and so are quicker. Let’s just say, you’ll be able to head out of the gate faster in an EV than in an ICE car. Or say if an ICE car revs up next to you at a traffic signal, you’d be giving them a run for their money, when the lights go green.

Acceleration figures as per ARAI rating

Now you can tell difference between ICE Vs EV comparison, Let’s have a look at – How to calculate charging cost of EV