Know everything about charging electric vehicle
Know everything about charging electric vehicle
Know everything about charging electric vehicle

Know everything about charging electric vehicle


To know Know everything about charging electric vehicle, You need to know basic first.

You’ve decided to bring home your first electric vehicle, great choice! But wait, do you know everything about how to charge or ‘refill’ your ride from home? Can you even charge your EV from home? Of course, you can. In fact, over 80% EV owners do already charge their cars at home. We hope that this serves as a guide and answers all your questions.

Charging an EV is like charging any other device. Your car would already come with a standard 120-volt Level 1 portable charger that can be plugged into a regular socket at home or at your parking space.

At home while charging your vehicle, you can use a Type 1 AC charger in a 15Amp household socket, which provides AC charging power levels up to 220 volts. The good news about charging at home is that you have the benefit of paying low electricity rates as against the fast-charging rates at a charging station.

You can approach companies like Magenta Power that help set up charging stations in residential complexes. So if you are going to buy an EV, propose the idea to your society to consider installing a charging station. Infact nowadays with the increasing number of electric vehicles, it makes sense to have a charging station in your society adding to the convenience of charging your EV from home. To make it convenient, MG Motors installs a wall mounted 7.4 kW AC fast charger at your parking spot free of cost.

How about some handy tips?
Just like our gadgets, EVs can remain charged for quite a while. Here’s a tip – charge your car overnight to avoid the inconvenience of charging during the day, especially if you’re going to use your vehicle for daily commute.

Read one more point to Know everything about charging electric vehicle.

If you are concerned that you may forget to switch off the power after the battery is fully charged; know that after the battery is fully charged the power will automatically cut off and stop charging. Moreover, customers get a notification on the app when the battery is fully charged.

It’s advisable to go full charge only before longer trips to maintain the health of your battery in the long run. So, if you were worried about charging an EV from home, we hope we have put all your woes to rest now. 

When you think you Know everything about charging electric vehicle but What about other things? Yes there are a lot of things you should check on our site, Go have a look.

Now you know Know everything about charging an electric vehicles, Let’s check out – What are the efficiency levels of an electric vehicle?

Wohoo you now Know everything about charging electric vehicle.