Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety
Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety

Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety


Find out Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety

Range is the total distance an EV can go in a single charge. In a way you could say that whether it’s Internal Combustion Vehicles (ICV) or EVs, all have range. It’s just that ICVs run on fuel. Range anxiety is real, but it doesn’t have to be so. With each new model, EVs today are achieving what was previously considered unthinkable.

Let’s have a look at The two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety

Let’s say for a moment that the range claimed by manufacturers needs to be discounted as the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) certified range is taken under ideal driving conditions. Take for example the ARAI rated range of the Tata Nexon EV which is 312 kms and discount it by 33%; you get a range of approx. 210 kms. Now say the average distance you drive daily is 30 kms; this means you can drive for 7 days at an average of 30 kms a day on a single charge. So don’t worry. Of course, the range also depends on your driving style so avoid aggressive driving to get the most out of an EV.

If you are still concerned about being stranded without charge on the road, here are two ways that will help you dodge range anxiety.

Now look at the Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety

First out of Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety – Top-up charge whenever you can

Don’t you top-up charge your phone and other devices each time they’re not in use? That way, you ensure your battery’s charge is always close to full or at least that it does not die out soon. Similarly, it helps to habitually plug in your EV to charge when parked. While you’re at the office, out shopping, attending a meeting or relaxing at home top-up charging will ensure you never run out of charge.

Although it’s not easy to monitor, it’s recommended not to full charge your EV all the time. Conversely EV batteries that are completely drained out of charge will degrade faster and impact range in the long run.

Second Way – Your driving style is linked to the range you get

Your driving style determines the EVs range. Drivers who drive smoothly and avoid aggressive accelerations will get more out of the battery. Gradual acceleration and braking consume less battery and are preferred ways to drive an EV.

You could choose the economy mode which optimizes the performance of the car to save energy thereby enabling the battery to give you a longer range. Driving in this mode reduces the vehicles energy consumption by economizing battery power to increase the cars range. This mode is good for city driving where you need to constantly accelerate and brake due to traffic.

If you apply these Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety we are sure it will never let you feel regret

The good news is that the network of charging stations in India is seeing a huge growth on national highways as well as within city limits. Soon, you wouldn’t have to worry about range as you’ll be able to fast-charge your EV whenever you need to. As also mentioned in a previous article, battery sizes are increasing and so will the range, with each new model. No one thought electric ‘hyper cars’ would make it to the market, similarly, electric vehicles outperforming the current fuel-driven cars, could happen in the not-too-distant future.

Now you know Two ways to eliminate EV range anxiety. Let’s see – How much it cost to charge electric car in india