What are the efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle?
What are the efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle?

Efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle


What are the efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle?

It’s a Question which is asked by all people who are willing to buy EV or confused in ICE and EVs. Let’s find out The efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle

Efficiency levels of an EV should not be confused with fuel efficiency. There is no such thing as fuel efficiency in an EV as they are powered by a battery pack. Here we speak of efficiency in relation to the amount of power required to move the car forward.

At the outset it should be noted that whether it be fuel powered cars or EVs there is energy loss in both. But it is no secret that electric vehicles are more efficient as compared to gasoline powered cars. Let’s take a look at how much. Internal Combustion Vehicles (ICEs) or fuel powered cars convert far less energy into power than EVs. A fuel powered car has a lot of moving parts to keep the engine running but don’t directly contribute to its motion.

In the case of an EV the drive train is not as complex as ICEs. The well to wheel efficiency is much better in an EV as there are fewer moving parts meaning that more power is given to the motor by the batteries to power the car forward. All contributing to the super quick response whether breaking or accelerating in an EV.

So when you drive an EV you consume less energy to cover the same distance.

I hope now you know What are the efficiency levels of an Electric vehicle?

How about knowing about this one? – ICE Vs EV – A comparison