Electric vehicle charging station cost
Electric vehicle charging station cost

Electric vehicle charging station cost


What is the Electric vehicle charging station cost?

With oil prices shooting up, diesel and petrol prices have hit record highs across the country. There’s no doubt that this is a cause for concern and you too must be worrying about this rise in fuel prices. And so, making the switch to electric might be a great idea at this point of time.

That apart, knowing you have an alternative to fossil fuel, are you willing to pay exorbitant fuel prices when you can charge your EV for far less?

What if we told you that you would be able to save enough fuel cost in a year by making the switch to an EV to finance a fancy vacation? That’s because the Electric vehicle charging station cost is negligible when compared to filling up your tank with fuel!

Let’s look at how much the switch would cost you. Or should we say, how little?
To understand this let’s compare the running and charging costs of EVs as compared to Internal Combustion Vehicles.


The running cost of the MG ZS EV works out to approx. Rs. 1.30/- per km. i.e. Cost per unit of electricity x Battery capacity / Real range.

Compare this to the running cost of a petrol or diesel car to see the difference. On an average, for a petrol car it works out to Rs. 10/- per km and for a diesel car it works out to Rs. 7/- per km. i.e. Cost of fuel / Average mileage.

Let’s compare the approx. running costs for 50,000 kms. of an electric car Vs Petrol and Diesel car.


EV Rs 65,000
Diesel Car Rs 3,50,000
Petrol Car Rs 5,00,000
As you can see the difference is quite substantial.

Now let’s look into more about Electric vehicle charging station cost.



When it comes to Electric vehicle charging station cost; the cost of DC fast charging a MG ZS EV up to 100% at a Company charging station in Mumbai works out to Rs. 800/- approx. which will give you a real range of approx. 280 kms in one full charge depending on your driving style and traffic conditions. Charging costs are usually much lower specially at Tata Power charging stations. However even if you take the charging cost at the higher end of the spectrum, it is still much lower compared to what you would’ve paid for a full tank of fuel.

To conclude; while the initial cost of an EV is high, the running cost and the cost of charging an EV are substantially lower than an IC vehicle. So, when are you making the switch to a more eco-friendly and pocket-friendly commute?


See The Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in india